"For God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND!" 2 Timothy 1:7

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wearing a Mask through life…or, Wrinkles. Are they really that bad?

Why do I want to cover up my wrinkles? I earned these babies!!! And in each one, God was there with me. When I look in the mirror and I see myself aging before my eyes, there is a part of me who longs to look like the girl I was 20 years ago…but an even BIGGER part of me who is glad that I am not that girl anymore. I truly think that 40 is the new 20 by the way! The outside package may have been pretty to look at, but boy, the inside sure wasn’t.

That’s what I love about God! When he changes the inside, something also happens to the outside. The world may say that we have to look “youthful” and “wrinkle free” afterall, it’s a billion dollar of year industry that was developed just to keep us looking “young” and “refreshed” and “youthful” and “Vibrant”. But isn’t that just putting on a mask? I mean, let’s face it, the more we fight to look like what we are not, the more disappointed we become.

A women I really admire said “I refuse to wear a mask through life!” and that really hit me. God made us beautiful and amazing and wonderful…he doesn’t make mistakes. When I look in the mirror, the wrinkles I see come from a life time of living…some come from good experiences (laugh lines…don’t tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor) and others, from not so good times. Each wrinkle is a sign that although I may be aging, I am growing in Him.

So to the world and the industry that is trying to convince me that I am not beautiful unless I am wrinkle free, I say…Shove it! I love my wrinkles and I refuse to wear a mask. What you see is what you get…Thank you Lord, for loving me enough, to give me wrinkles! Amen

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