"For God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND!" 2 Timothy 1:7

Friday, June 10, 2011

This little light of mine.......

Isn’t it great how God can speak to each and every doubt and question, even before you think about them? Today, I was sitting here, thinking about what I should write about…or even if I should write at all. Is anyone even reading this stuff anyhow? What makes me think that I have something to offer the world? I certainly can’t do this for a living…there are to many other people our there that write better than I do.
These are the doubtful thoughts that have been trying to make their way into my mind every morning and even throughout the day. They hadn’t gotten to me yet this morning, this time, God got here first. As I was going through my emails and reading the several devotionals that come into my inbox every day, I came across this one sentence that jumped off the page at me:
God gave you a message to share. Don't keep it to yourself.” ~anonymous 

He gave each and everyone of us a message. Our lives are a living example to everything God has done based upon what we allow. The more we give him to work with, the more he can do and the bigger the message can be. Jesus said, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16)

My light shines through what I write.

What is your light?

What is keeping you from shining your light to the world?

Dear Lord, Today you showed me that you are hear and you are always with me. You have showed me yet again, just how faithful you are. Lord, when we truly trust you for everything and place our lives in your hands, you can do fantastic and wonderous things. More than anything we could ever imagine! Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you for loving us so much!!! Lord, reveal to us, what our light is and show us how to shine it for all the world to see. AMEN!

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