"For God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND!" 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Triumph over Worry!

So it has started out to be another bad day. Mouse isn't working right. Bike isn't running right. Jeep is making a new strange sound. Important email sent yesterday didn't go out till today because our system isn't working right. At least I get to go to Kansas tomorrow and get out of this office for a couple of days.” ~My husband…

My husband feels he needs to “get away” for the “problems of life” to stop. However, what he hasn’t realized yet is that when he comes back, those things and issues will still be there. 

The worries of life are always surrounding us!!!

My take on stuff that happens? “Might not be what I would choose but this is the stuff You use” ~This is the Stuff, Francesca Battistelli

Stuff happens. But, it’s also an opportunity to say “Ok God, it’s all yours….”

· Don’t Worry about details beyond your control: Gn 7:16the animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as GOD had commanded noah. Then the Lord shut him in”

o What does this have to do with worry? God took care of the details of this job while Noah was doing his part in obeying. Let God worry about the details…you just do your job and obey and do what he tells you to do!

Worry can cause us to forfeit peace with God: Gn 21:7And she added, ‘Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet, I have born him a son in his old age.’ “

o Because of her doubt, worry and fear over many, many years and multiple promises and instances of reassurance from God, Sarah had forfeited the peace she could have felt in God’s wonderful promise to her. When you focus on God’s promises, he can bring peace to a troubled heart.

Worry can also reveal a lack of faith in God’s control: Ps 37:8,9Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.”

o Anger and worry are two of the most destructive emotions that we an feel. When we consume ourselves with these feelings, they take us farther and farther away from God. These feelings place the responsibility of the solution and all the control into our hands, rather than God’s hands. It’s almost like we are telling God “No thank you, I can handle this…I want to deal with it my own way because your way isn’t satisfying or fast enough”. When you dwell on your problems, you become anxious and angry..but when you let God deal with them, amazing things can happen! Don’t block your blessings…allow God to deal with things…he has had more experience in it than you have and he knows what to do!!

The Holy Spirit can help us stop worrying: Mt 10:19, 20But when they arrest you, DO NOT WORRY about what to say or how to say it. At that time, you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you”

o Jesus told the disciples not to worry when they were speaking the gospel. He knew they would get arrested but he also knew about the Holy Spirit. He knew that God would speak through them for their defense. When we fill ourselves with worry, we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to work. Don’t block the Holy Spirit, he is a gift from God to you and can and will help you if you allow it.

Turn your worries into prayers Phil 4:6,7Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and with petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God , which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus.”

o God knows we worry. He understands our emotions. He asks us to take them to him. Lay them at his feet. Allow him to give you the strength and discernment you need to do what needs to be done. To worry less means to pray more.

Let’s face it, life happens. Sometimes you will have days where you wish you could just go back to bed. BUT the fact is, God did not make us to be quitters. Open up your Bibles and read Ephesians 6:10-20.

What did these verses say to you?
Did they say that life won’t happen?
Did they say that we need to hide our heads in the sand?

No, they tell us how to go through life, every single day. They tell us that God understands that we have events that happen in our lives that can be too much. These verses tell us that God cares for us and he provides us the tools we need to wake up each day and face the world head on.

Pray to God. He can lift your worries…search out his word, get to know him through what you read in the Bible…ask him to come into your heart and clean out the troubles and anxieties in life and ask him to fill you with his strength!

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